How I Can Help
Theatre of the Oppressed (TO)

Training in TO Methodology
Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) is a system of interactive and embodied strategies that seeks to break the cycle of oppression by illuminating power hierarchies and by empowering individuals for action. To find out more about TO and its founder Augusto Boal’s vision for a just world, please visit . In TO, people are invited to actively participate in the exploration of possible solutions to problems, and of alternative choices to oppressive situations. The collective wisdom of a group and the individual experiences of participants are honoured by the facilitator (Joker) who asks questions and poses problems rather than offers solutions.
In this training, you experience the three fundamentals of the methodology: Games for Actors and Non-actors, Image Theatre, and Forum Theatre, and you are introduced to theoretical underpinnings of TO, such as Pedagogy of the Oppressed. This training is designed to give you the tools to transform your work and your communities.
You will learn to:
- Facilitate games and exercises with defined objectives
- Guide the analysis and dynamize the Image Theatre progress
- Facilitate games and exercises with defined objectives
- Guide the analysis and dynamize the Image Theatre progress
- Learn the basic structure of Forum Theatre
- Understand the fundamentals of being a Joker (Forum Theatre facilitator)
- Facilitate games and exercises with defined objectives
- Guide the analysis and dynamize the Image Theatre progress
- Learn the basic structure of Forum Theatre
- Understand the fundamentals of being a Joker (Forum Theatre facilitator)
- Joker Forum Theatre scenes
Please CONNECT to discuss format, length, and other details of this customized training.
View our PRICING information.
Using Forum Theatre for Social Change
Forum Theatre is a transformational methodology that is highly relevant for community-building processes, for needs assessment or asset mapping, for identifying and exploring social and environmental issues and topics, for consensus seeking, and for galvanizing a group/community for social action. In Forum Theatre, people are invited to actively participate in the exploration of possible solutions and of alternative choices to oppressive situations. The collective wisdom of a group and the individual experiences of participants are honoured by the facilitator (Joker) who asks questions and poses problems rather than offers solutions.
For example, I used Forum Theatre:
- to end silence on the issues of gender-based violence
- to explore issues surrounding senior isolation and mental health
In this project, I will create forum theatre play that will contain the issues and themes you want to address. At the culmination of the project, which is the presentation of the play, the audience is invited for a community dialogue to discuss possible changes and solutions to the scenes in the play.
Your learning in this project:
- Sharing and listening to stories of oppression in a supportive group environment
- Becoming aware of a variety of perspectives in complexity of social situations
- Identifying abuse and oppression in situations based on real-life experience
- Articulating strategies and approaches to addressing oppression and making change
- Rehearsing changes for real-life difficult situations – speaking against power, carrying an assertive dialogue, calling out a discriminatory situation, being an ally in oppressive situation
- Identifying systemic changes required for positive and sustainable social change
This is a multi-session project.
CONNECT to discuss details of possible application, your learning needs, and PRICING structure. Read past clients and participants testimonials.
Diversity and Anti-Oppression Training

Diversity and Inclusion with Image and Forum Theatre
Forum/Image Theatre is a powerful, accessible, and effective tool for understanding social and individual challenges. Through the process, participants are invited to actively participate in the exploration of possible solutions and offer alternative choices to the proposed challenges or barriers. The collective wisdom of a group and the individual experiences of participants are honoured by the facilitator who asks questions and poses problems to stimulate dialogue and critical reflection rather than offers solutions. Forum/Image Theatre is suitable for any setting and no theatre experience is necessary.
Some of the benefits of using Forum/Image Theatre:
- community and an inclusive environment
- teamwork and collaboration
- effective communication and interaction
- deep listening and emotional intelligence
- problem-solving and reflective thinking skills
By the end of the training series, participants will have learned:
- to reflect on and become aware of their conflict resolution skills and behavioural patterns in discriminatory or oppressive situations
- to identify both systemic and internalized oppression
- to identify aspects of inclusive environment, organizational structures and professional relationships
- to develop an agency to act upon their conviction
- effective strategies and solutions to break the cycle of oppression and for positive change toward equity
- to work toward equity and inclusive environment in in their workplaces, and in their communities
In my past projects, I used Image Theatre in HRPA training.
Courage to Act: Bystander or Ally?
“Say something!”, “Do something!” statements call on us to step out of our comfort zone and stand up for what we believe, for our own rights or to advocate for others. In this practical and interactive workshop, you examine your experience with injustice and discrimination. We use Image Theatre, role-play scenes, and work with theatre-based techniques to practice the ways in which you see the possibility to act upon your belief, and which help you to become a courageous agent of change.
Theatre of the Oppressed methodology allows us to look at the oppressive situations under a scrutiny of multiple perspectives. We slow the situation down, analyse, shed light on the power hierarchy, and start envisioning possible solutions. This workshop works with the stories and experiences you share, making the content relevant to your lived experiences.
Our increasingly-diverse world requires us to reflect on the way we engage with each other and on the way that social systems are structured to either advance or suppress us. Your learning bids in this training are:
- Gaining new perspectives on social situations you encounter
- Becoming aware of power dynamic in interpersonal relationships and communication
- Reflecting on your conflict resolution skills and behavioural patterns in oppressive situations• Identifying both systemic and behavioural oppression
- Working with body language as an important part of effective communication
- Developing an agency to act upon your conviction
- Working toward equity and a more harmonious workplace environment
This training is designed as a full-day module, which can be divided into to 2 segments depending on your needs. Please CONNECT to discuss details. PRICING information is below.
Communication Training

Body Language and Power Dynamics in a Workplace
Experts on human communication estimate that about 60-65% of social meaning is carried out by wordless signals contained in body language – posture, movement, gestures.
This training provides a learning platform to expand communication skills, and focuses on heightening awareness and refining observation skills. It provides analytical tools to interpret body language and power dynamics, and to integrate the gained insights and skills in your workplace.
In the training, you share and work with your own stories, experiences, and observations of a variety of communication situations that originate in your work, making the training 100% relevant to your lived experience and your needs.
- Increased self-awareness of the communication style you employ at your work
- Improved ability to recognise power dynamics in communication
- Gained confidence to work with and through power dynamics
- Expanded repertoire of communication strategies to employ
This training is designed as a full-day training, which can be divided into 2 segments depending on your needs. Please CONNECT to discuss details. PRICING information is below.

Wellness - Healing Power of Stories
Non-verbal, interactive, dynamic, and theatre-based techniques in a supportive group setting. Reflect on your practice, your vision, and your interactions with your community. Share and listen to stories about blocks and successes in your work, and tap into the understanding of what needs to shift in order to transform your practice. We use body-based techniques from Image Theatre, and weave non-verbal communication with healing elements of story-circles into a transformative mix.
Among other benefits, Image Theatre develops:
- community and an inclusive environment
- teamwork and collaboration
- effective communication and interaction
- deep listening and emotional intelligence
- problem-solving and reflective thinking skills
This training is designed as a full-day training, but can be adjusted to a half-day session. Check PRICING and CONNECT to discuss details of customizing the workshop to your needs.

Unique aspects of the training
Your Story Matters workshops engage you in self-reflection and critical inquiry. The setting requires a level of honesty and personal dedication to create meaningful dialogue and possibility for learning insights. Yes, we are having fun, but we also ask important and, at times, tough questions. I will guide you through the process so that you feel safe and heard.

Your participation and personal contribution is essential for the training to be effective as it is based on participant stories. Yet, no one is ever forced to share what they do not comfortably feel like sharing. The power of theatre is such that even those who “only” observe and listen to the stories gain the same benefits as those who “act” and share their stories. This way, I provide a safe space for those of you who might be introverted or are not ready to work on your personal narrative just yet.

No theatre experience necessary. All strategies at Your Story Matters, such as role playing or interpreting situations and stories, are innate skills available to all human beings.

Sharing human experiences generates emotional responses – people laugh as well as cry. All are welcome and supported!

Please get in touch to discuss the pricing scales and payment packages, possible financial constraints, or a need that isn’t addressed by one of the workshops.
I look forward to working with you!
Your Story Matters workshops are carefully designed to offer a variety of in-depth exploration for you.